Monday, October 29, 2018

Organizing Google Drive LIKE a BOSS

Google Drive is an essential tool for teaching!  I've been using Google Drive extensively for 5 years, and would label myself as a definite POWER user!  It has been a challenge to keep up with the organizing aspect of Google Drive.  This is a presentation below that I shared with my staff at one of the POP-UP Professional Development Workshops after school this year.  Teachers felt this was a need for their professional learning and being organized with their teaching resoures.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Circle Activity- HOT 100

iEngineer students enjoyed playing this game below during Advisory.  It was LOUD and chaotic but the students were all engaged and wanted to keep playing!  A great way to get them off and running for the day!  I found this activity and other fun activities through the Origins Online Games Website.  With this website, you can search by different categories based on the comfort level of your students.  Starting off the year, I explore the acquainted activities and then throughout the year move to the more comfortable games.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Green Screen About Me Blog Post

Students in iEngineer explored how to set-up their own blogs on KidBlog.  My goal for these students this school year is to have a space where they can freely blog about their passions, ambitions, ideas, strengths, etc.  The first blog post they created was an about me post based on their green screen picture they created with iMovie.  iEngineer students have so many skills and expertise to offer to the school and blogging is one way they can share this information out. 
I created a KidBlog presentation to introduce the students to kidblog.  Check it out below and feel free to use in your classroom this year!  It's a great way for students to have some choice and voice in their learning!